
In Islam, consumption is not just the act of fulfilling human wants, but also an action that contributes to the well-being of ourselves and others. The goal of consumption in an Islamic framework is to satisfy personal needs that bring the pleasure of Allah and contribute to social development. Therefore, this study has been designed to discuss the concept of consumption in Islam by reviewing several journal articles in the field of Islamic jurisprudence. The study explores the act of consumption based on the moral and religious principles of Islamic shariah. In Islam, Muslims are guided to consume based on permissibility, wholesomeness, cleanliness, priority, and maqasid al-shari’ah (higher objectives of Islamic law). Most significantly, the study focuses on the principle of moderation (wasatiyyah) as it relates to consumption, as wastefulness and miserliness have an impact not only on individuals but also society and the economy. The study expects to improve Muslim consumer behaviour by acting as a reminder of the moral principles underlying consumption.

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