
The article defines and reveals the structural elements of the concept of updating the content of professional training of future lecturers of pedagogical higher education institutions in terms of the social needs during the war and post-war period. Conceptual ideas are revealed. They are the following: 1) the need to ensure anticipatory and culturally relevant nature of the content of education, to achieve functional completeness; 2) updating the content at the intersection of the post-war needs of society in revival and cultural creation and the teacher’s needs in personal and professional development; 3) transforming the content into a carrier of the dominant values of national culture, national spirit with the priority status of the Ukrainian language; 4) choosing a strategic line for professional, psycho-pedagogical and digital fundamentalization of the content; 5) taking into account in the content of education the needs of the personality of the future teacher in holistic development throughout life; 6) expansion of the functional range of the content due to the inclusion of the valeological-psycho-pedagogical function in unity with the activity-activating one; 7) enrichment of the content with the achievements of world scientific psychological and pedagogical innovations.
 The essence of the system of the teacher’s professional and digital competencies as a target guideline for updating the content of their professional training in the conditions of martial law in the country has been determined. The following principles of actual renewal of the content of the professional education of future teachers of pedagogical higher education institutions are characterized. They are the following: 1) value-content restructuring of mixed and online preparation of students for professional activities at the intersection of the needs of Ukraine in post-war revival and cultural creation and the needs of future teachers in the holistic development and quality performance of professional and civic functions; 2) cultivation of strategic lines of renewal of the content of future teachers’ pedagogical education in the context of its professional, psycho-pedagogical and digital fundamentalization in harmonious unity; 3) the dominance of the culturally dominant Ukrainian-centric direction of updating the content of professional future teacher training using digital technologies; 4) laying the value-content foundation of the reference image of the teacher-master of the pedagogical higher educational institution of the future in accordance with the requirements of Ukraine’s European progress; 5) integration in the content of future teachers’ education of humanitarian, socio-cultural, professional-subject and professional-psycho-pedagogical, valeological (prior to achieving mental health) and safety knowledge.

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