
Sunday market activity covers activities and transactions processes of buying and selling between merchants as manufacturers and the public as consumers. The traders sell their goods for profit while society as a buyer will get the necessities of life. However, this weekly market activity causes problems such as congestion, waste, and concern for cleanliness. The concept of structuring the Sunday market in East Bandung Region is a conceptual arrangement that aims to realize clean, comfortable, and orderly Sunday market. Its arrangement refers to the concept of street vendors in Japan and the Bandung Regional Regulation 4 of 2011 regarding the Arrangement and Development of Street Vendors. The method used to support the analysis in the drafting arrangement Sunday market in East Bandung Region was qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis was used by describing the weekly market presence while the qualitative analysis employing ArcGIS software to create the design concept of the arrangement. The SPSS Crosstab Analysis methods look at the relationship between the characteristics of the sellers and buyers with the presence of the Sunday market. The data were entered into cross tabulation analysis consists of three characteristics, namely social, economic, and market structuring. The concepts are intended at three locations in East Bandung Region which include Cipadung Village Road, East Venus Complex Road, and Kiaracondong Road to realize the weekly markets that are neat and orderly as the use of a means of selling has been arranged so that the level of congestion caused and garbage problems can be minimized. Besides, the visitors who come will be facilitated in seeking traders because it is set the location and position of traders according to the type of merchandise and thus creating Sunday markets that are neat, clean and orderly.

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