
The article is devoted to the consideration of the concept of reforming criminal justice authorities in the context of combating corruption. In the article it is analyzed the definitions of criminal justice according to different researchers, which reforms of criminal justice authorities have already been carried out during the independence of Ukraine and what results these reforms have achieved, marked mandatory tasks that should be put by any concept of criminal justice reform in the context of anti-corruption actions. The author reveals the theoretical basis of the legal category of criminal justice authorities and analyzes in detail the place and importance of the National AntiCorruption Bureau of Ukraine in the system of criminal justice authorities. In the article, the attention is drawn to the fact that reforming criminal justice agencies provides for a certain reload and introduction of new methods in activities. It was made the remark that the reform of criminal justice authorities could be the starting point for further reforms in our state in other areas of life. To conclude it was determined that the result of the reform of criminal justice activities in the field of combating corruption, when applying any concept, should be the transformation of law enforcement agencies from purely punitive and pursuing harsh methods to authorities whose main purpose is to restore violated human rights and to prevent this violations at all.

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