
Liquid modernity is a concept proposed by Zygmunt Bauman that denotes modern tendencies in the development of the global capitalism economy. One of the main processes characterizing liquid modernity is human mobility, which in its turn results in a fragmented and indefinite identity and in the marginalization of local belonging. Mobility, especially in the form of long-term emigration, has become one of the major demographic problems Latvia has experienced. To provide solutions to the problems caused by emigration, in 2013 the Government of Latvia adopted an action plan to support re-emigration. The main idea of the plan refers basically to economic aspects. Obviously, it is not only economic factors that stimulate expatriates to return back home; psychological, emotional and symbolic aspects are no less significant. One of the most powerful symbols of re-emigration is home. The concept of home occupies one of the most important places in the process of self- categorization. It helps to organize self-knowledge and to recognize one’s own place in the surrounding environment (spatial and social, as well as mental) of emotions and memories. What is home in the era of liquid modernity? The observations made during the fieldworks in Riga, Valka and in the Svētupe region (2013–2016) showed that home is one of the most stable concepts in the construction of Latvian identity and the concept “my father’s home” still exists in Latvian worldview as a mytheme and as a symbolic equivalent of the beginning, of harmonic existence and “source of happiness and strength”.

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