
Imminent humanism, at its core, is a doctrine that places the human being at the center of philosophical and ethical considerations. It deems humanity as having intrinsic value and asserts the primacy of human interests and concerns. The paper shall concept has profound anthropocentric implications, as it focuses on the welfare, rights, and dignity of humans above all else. Anthropocentrism, in the context of imminent humanism, refers to the belief that human beings are entitled to special consideration and that their needs and desires should be prioritized over the interests of other species or the environment. This perspective stems from the unique capabilities and moral responsibilities that humans possess. Anthropocentric Posthumanism is a philosophical framework that aims to reassess the relationship between humans and the environment, challenging the traditional human-centric view. It advocates for a shift towards a more inclusive and interconnected understanding of existence, recognizing the impact of human actions on the planet. This approach encourages a re-evaluation of our place in the natural world and calls for a move away from anthropocentric thinking. It emphasizes a holistic and respectful attitude towards all living beings and the environment as a whole, while also recognizing the agency and value of non-human entities. Additionally, this philosophy promotes a symbiotic relationship between humans and technology, where both are seen as equal and mutually dependent. Overall, it presents a new way of thinking about the human-nature relationship, fostering inclusivity and sustainability. Our paper is an endeavour to comprehend the concept of imminent humanism in-depth and its ramifications and also to understand anthropocentric posthumanism.

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