
The quest for happiness is something that has enthralled every human since time immemorial. Researchers belonging to different fields along with ancient spiritual scholars have strived to arrive at a pathway for happiness. But since happiness involves different dimensions of itself, the interpretations on happiness have also been varied and different. Ayurveda is a science that was designed to maintain the health of healthy people and to cure the maladies of the unhealthy people. Happiness is an important facet of health and hence is given an important place in Ayurveda. The Ancient Ayurvedic literature has explained the concept of happiness under various terminologies like Sukha, Harsha etc. In the present research work all the fundamental texts of Ayurveda were screened thoroughly in order to compile the information on concept of happiness in Ayurveda. This was used to draw various interpretations on the science of happiness. The present article is written in order to envisage this concept of happiness in Ayurveda. The article will try to throw light on the usefulness of happiness in health, role of happiness on Dosha, Dhatu Mala and other physiological processes. The article also aims to suggest ways to achieve happy life with the help of fundamental principles of Ayurveda.

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