
The article considers a metatext formed from the contexts of different B. Vasilyev’s works with the nuclear concept of «good». It is concluded that he reveals the concept of the opposition of the true good and its imitation. The first is a natural need, it is not subject to measurement, but performed uncontrollably,
 spontaneously and realized without a specially set goal in a natural way in everyday human life: in caring for parents, children, home, friends, neighbors. The idea of it comes from the external natural world, artistic creativity, the experience
 of ancestors preserved in folklore. It slowly matures in a person, developing his / her ability to sacrifice, manifests itself in creating benefits for others, it unites people, combines with wisdom, compassion, and cheerfulness. False good is worse than evil. It is an artificial construction of consciousness, it is measured out of necessity, controlled, implemented in specially orga-
 nized, planned actions for the purpose of extracting good. The idea of it is a product of corrupted human consciousness. Like a contagious disease, it is perceived by the individual in the form of petty-bourgeois social cliches, a set of ready-made
 formulas for philistine happiness and manifests itself in the production of good for oneself, separating people and combining with cunning. It can be sold and exchanged as a commodity.
 In the manifestations of the truly good, cheerfulness and tragic sufferingare brought together as much as possible. This creates a high level of tension in the plot action, thanks to which the line separating the true good and its imitation most clearly emerges.

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