
Accumulations of unused plastic waste and wast tires pose a great threat to humanity. Despite the convenience and benefits that products from these materials bring, their waste pollutes soils and water bodies, the atmosphere, and poses a threat to human health. The problem is that plastic and waste tires have a long decomposition time, and their recycling requires significant economic resources and well-established logistics. For example, more than 8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans every year, and used tire landfills are enriched by 7 million tons. In addition, as a result of military actions, the energy and environmental security of Ukraine are under threat. Mass fires, a large amount of generated waste on our lands, missile attacks on infrastructure facilities – all this requires finding ways to increase energy and environmental security. One of the ways to increase the latters is the disposal of dangerous plastic and waste tires by chemical means, as a result of which it is possible to obtain fuel. Therefore, in the article examines the energy potential of obtaining fuel from waste plastic and waste tires in Ukraine. According to the results of the research, the already existing potential for obtaining fuel from plastic and waste tires formed at specially equipped landfills by the end of 2020 amounts to an average of 11,31 and 2,56 thousand tons of fuel, respectively. The annual potential of obtaining fuel from the remains of plastic waste is on average 19,56 thousand tons of fuel, and from waste tires – 6,77 thousand tons of fuel. By 2030, in case of better logistics, it is possible to obtain an average of 275,07 thousand tons of fuel from the collection of accumulated unutilized plastic waste, and an average of 143,59 thousand tons of fuel from waste tires. The obtained values ​​indicate that the improvement of the logistics of plastic and waste tires contributes to ensuring energy saving of their use, improving the health of people and animals, as well as increasing the energy and environmental security of Ukraine and the economy of enterprises.

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