
Al-Ta‘āruḍ wa al-tarjīḥ is a methodology offered by al-Syāṭibī to overcome problems that often arise in fiqh issues faced by the people. This study is a descriptive literature study (library research) aims to determine how the concept of al-Ta‘āruḍ wa al-tarjīḥ offered, with fahm al-naṣṣ methods that exist in its al-Muwāfaqāt. To al-Syāṭibī, no at-ta‘āruḍ (contradiction) in texts but there is a contradiction among mujtahids (Muslim jurists) in understanding the texts. Then, the mujtahids (jurists) should not be in a hurry to do istinbāṭ al-ḥukm (taking out the law) which originated from the ẓāhir contradictory arguments. A depth and universal study toward contradictive postulates seems needed by mujtahid both using their precision and intelligence. Because of the precision and intelligence mujtahids are varying, it causes the appearance of a conflict between mujtahids in looking at the arguments. To find a solution to the problem, the offer is the use of tarjīḥ method, looking for the most powerful arguments, and then serving them as the basis to take a single istinbāṭ al-ḥukm.

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