
The relevance of the concept of active responsible community for the development of democracy in the fact that, the current European climate and the new Lisbon Strategy put social inclusiveness at the center of European policy, with active responsible community as a best practice of active centrism at its core. In the context of this research it is relevant to identify the indicators of active community, which is an inseparable part of the civic society. Active responsible community is a concept of the European development strategy, which cultivates the values of representative democracy and civil society. Active responsible community means active participation of the citizen as a subject of the democratic process in accordance with the legislation of the nation, its legal, political, democratic, ecological principles. It is based on a legal, social, democratic basis, and its philosophy is shared by community groups, organizations, and educational institutions that cultivate community education, that the citizens become active subjects of society, become involved in community propaganda and protest, and work towards changes in their communities. The subject of the research is active and responsible community involvement for the development of democracy. The goal of the research is to conceptualize active responsible community for the development of democracy in the context of sociophilosophical discourse. Objectives of the study: 1) to analyze the essence of the concept of “European active responsible community” as a condition for the inclusion of citizens in public life; 2) to examine community education as the basis for creating a civilized community society; 3) to reveal the concept of community as the basis of political-centrism. Research methodology: general philosophical methods – analysis and synthesis, generalization, historical and logical, comparisons, cross-cultural analysis, systematic and axiological methods. Results of the research. The socio-philosophical analysis of the study of this problem contributed to the study of the concept of active responsible community in the European format and the values of active citizenship, so that people feel themselves as a subject of the community society. The practical importance of this problem in the formation of a healthy, fair society and a strong state, which is guided by the principles of socially responsible management.

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