
VerbNet is a lexical resource for verbs that has many applications in natural language processing tasks, especially ones that require information about both the syntactic behavior and the semantics of verbs. This article presents an attempt to construct the first version of a Thai VerbNet corpus via data enrichment of the existing lexical resource. This corpus contains the annotation at both the syntactic and semantic levels, where verbs are tagged with frames within the verb class hierarchy and their arguments are labeled with the semantic role. We discuss the technical aspect of the construction process of Thai VerbNet and survey different semantic role labeling methods to make this process fully automatic. We also investigate the linguistic aspect of the computed verb classes and the results show the potential in assisting semantic classification and analysis. At the current stage, we have built the verb class hierarchy consisting of 28 verb classes from 112 unique concept frames over 490 unique verbs using our association rule learning method on Thai verbs.

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