
Soluble antigen-antibody complexes prepared from washed precipitates of fowl anti-BGG and BGG were analysed in the ultracentrifuge in the presence of excess BGG. Preparations were made from whole antiserum and from pseudo-and euglobulin fractions obtained by dialysis against low ionic strength acetate buffer; precipitates were made in 0·9 and 8 per cent NaCl. All samples were found to give two well-resolved peaks due to antigen-antibody complexes, with s 0 25 values of 10·3 and 14·.9 S. The formation of these two peaks is attributed to the presence of univalent as well as bivalent antibodies in this antiserum pool. Macroglobulin (uncorrected s = 20 S) was absent from complexes formed from pseudoglobulin antibody unless normal fowl serum had been added to the precipitating mixture. Macroglobulin antibody was not found. The additional component previously found in specific precipitates formed in 8 per cent NaCl has been identified as fowl serum albumin.

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