
Abstract Context: Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) is a commonly encountered middle ear disease resulting in morbid complications and squeals. It is broadly classied into safe and unsafe type; in which unsafe CSOM is commonly associated with complications due to the bone erosion effect of cholesteatoma and super added infections. The rise in antibiotic use has reduced the incidence of complications but the current practice of unscientic administration of antimicrobial agents has made the microbiome resistant, ironically increasing the rate of certain complications. Aim: This study was conducted to prole the complications in unsafe CSOM. Material and Methods: A record based cross sectional study was conducted between January 2015 and October 2018 on 241 cases of unsafe CSOM at a tertiary care hospital in North India. Results: Out of 241 cases 14% presented with complications. Of these 76.6% had extra c ranial compli cation and 23.33% had intracranial complications. Conclusion: Mastoid abscess and meningitis were the most frequently encountered extra and intra cranial complications respectively. Judicious use of antibiotics will go a long way in reducing the morbidity due to the disease. Keywords: CSOM; Extra cranial complications; Intra cranial complications.

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