
AbstractFor certain subclasses of NP, ⊕P or #P characterized by local constraints, it is known that if there exist any problems that are not polynomial time computable within that subclass, then those problems are NP-, ⊕P- or #P-complete. Such dichotomy results have been proved for characterizations such as Constraint Satisfaction Problems, and directed and undirected Graph Homomorphism Problems, often with additional restrictions. Here we give a dichotomy result for the more expressive framework of Holant Problems. These additionally allow for the expression of matching problems, which have had pivotal roles in complexity theory. As our main result we prove the dichotomy theorem that, for the class ⊕P, every set of boolean symmetric Holant signatures of any arities that is not polynomial time computable is ⊕P-complete. The result exploits some special properties of the class ⊕P and characterizes four distinct tractable subclasses within ⊕P. It leaves open the corresponding questions for NP, #P and # k P for k ≠ 2.KeywordsPolynomial TimePlanar GraphConstraint Satisfaction ProblemDichotomy TheoremParity ProblemThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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