
Given two k-graphs H and F, a perfect F-packing in H is a collection of vertex-disjoint copies of F in H which together cover all the vertices in H. In the case when F is a single edge, a perfect F-packing is simply a perfect matching. For a given fixed F, it is often the case that the decision problem whether an n-vertex k-graph H contains a perfect F-packing is NP-complete. Indeed, if k≥3, the corresponding problem for perfect matchings is NP-complete [17,7] whilst if k=2 the problem is NP-complete in the case when F has a component consisting of at least 3 vertices [14].In this paper we give a general tool which can be used to determine classes of (hyper)graphs for which the corresponding decision problem for perfect F-packings is polynomial time solvable. We then give three applications of this tool: (i) Given 1≤ℓ≤k−1, we give a minimum ℓ-degree condition for which it is polynomial time solvable to determine whether a k-graph satisfying this condition has a perfect matching; (ii) Given any graph F we give a minimum degree condition for which it is polynomial time solvable to determine whether a graph satisfying this condition has a perfect F-packing; (iii) We also prove a similar result for perfect K-packings in k-graphs where K is a k-partite k-graph.For a range of values of ℓ,k (i) resolves a conjecture of Keevash, Knox and Mycroft [20]; (ii) answers a question of Yuster [47] in the negative; whilst (iii) generalises a result of Keevash, Knox and Mycroft [20]. In many cases our results are best possible in the sense that lowering the minimum degree condition means that the corresponding decision problem becomes NP-complete.


  • Given k ≥ 2, a k-uniform hypergraph consists of a vertex set V (H) and an edge set E(H) ⊆ V (H) k, where every edge is a k-element subset of V (H)

  • We give three applications of this tool: (i) Given 1 ≤ ≤ k−1, we give a minimum -degree condition for which it is polynomial time solvable to determine whether a k-graph satisfying this condition has a perfect matching; (ii) Given any graph F we give a minimum degree condition for which it is polynomial time solvable to determine whether a graph satisfying this condition has a perfect F -packing; (iii) We prove a similar result for perfect K-packings in k-graphs where K is a k-partite k-graph

  • Where C ∈ {3/2, 2, 5/2, 3} depends on the value of n and k. Such results give us classes of dense k-graphs for which we are certain to have a perfect matching. This raises the question of whether one can lower the minimum -degree condition in Conjecture 1.1 whilst still ensuring it is decidable in polynomial time whether such a k-graph H has a perfect matching: Let PM(k, δ) denote the problem of deciding whether there is a perfect matching in a given k-graph on n vertices with minimum

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Given k ≥ 2, a k-uniform hypergraph (or k-graph) consists of a vertex set V (H) and an edge set E(H) ⊆. The decision problem whether a k-graph contains a perfect matching is famously NP-complete for k ≥ 3 (see [17,7]). Hell and Kirkpatrick [14] showed that the decision problem whether a graph G has a perfect F -packing is NP-complete precisely when F has a component consisting of at least 3 vertices. Roughly speaking, for any k-graph F , Theorem 3.1 yields a general class of k-graphs within which we do have a complete characterisation of those k-graphs that contain a perfect F -packing. Each of our applications convey an underlying theme: In each case, the class of (hyper)graphs H we consider are those satisfying some minimum degree condition which ensures an almost perfect matching or packing M (i.e. M covers all but a constant number of the vertices of H). In each application we show that we can detect the ‘last obstructions’ to having a perfect matching or packing efficiently

Perfect matchings in hypergraphs
Perfect packings in graphs
Perfect packings in hypergraphs
A general tool for complexity results
Proof of the hardness result
Almost perfect packings
Lattices and solubility
Reachability and good partitions
Statement of the general structural theorem
Absorbing lemma
Useful tools
The perfect graph packing result
10. Packing k-partite k-uniform hypergraphs
11. Concluding remarks
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