
Let G be a graph and let V₁,…,V_m be a partition of its vertex set into m sets. An independent set S of G is said to fairly represent the partition if |S ∩ V_i| ≥ 1/2⋅|V_i| - 1 for all i ∈ [m]. It is known that for every and every partition of its vertex set, there exists an independent set that fairly represents the partition (Aharoni et al., A Journey through Discrete Math., 2017). We prove that the problem of finding such an independent set is PPA-complete. As an application, we show that the problem of finding a monochromatic edge in a Schrijver graph, given a succinct representation of a coloring that uses fewer colors than its chromatic number, is PPA-complete as well. The work is motivated by the computational aspects of the cycle plus triangles problem and of its extensions.

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