
This paper looks at the complexity of four different incremental problems. The following are the problems considered: (1) Interval partitioning of a flow graph (2) Breadth first search (BFS) of a directed graph (3) Lexicographic depth first search (DFS) of a directed graph (4) Constructing the postorder listing of the nodes of a binary tree. The last problem arises out of the need for incrementally computing the Sethi-Ullman (SU) ordering [1] of the subtrees of a tree after it has undergone changes of a given type. These problems are among those that claimed our attention in the process of our designing algorithmic techniques for incremental code generation. BFS and DFS have certainly numerous other applications, but as far as our work is concerned, incremental code generation is the common thread linking these problems. The study of the complexity of these problems is done from two different perspectives. In [2] is given the theory of incremental relative lower bounds (IRLB). We use this theory to derive the IRLBs of the first three problems. Then we use the notion of a bounded incremental algorithm [4] to prove the unboundedness of the fourth problem with respect to the locally persistent model of computation. Possibly, the lower bound result for lexicographic DFS is the most interesting. In [5] the author considers lexicographic DFS to be a problem for which the incremental version may require the recomputation of the entire solution from scratch. In that sense, our IRLB result provides further evidence for this possibility with the proviso that the incremental DFS algorithms considered be ones that do not require too much of preprocessing

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