
Many engineering geologists and geological engineers have a vested interest in the broad spectrum of professional activities that constitute “rock engineering.” Important contributions to this greater body of knowledge have been provided by the fine, worldwide efforts of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) over the past 34 years. While much of the published literature in the field is and has been theoretical, perhaps the larger part is of direct interest and use to practitioners. This long-needed revised compendium of the suggested methods for gathering site information of use to engineers designing structures on and in rock stands at the top of the list of useful technical literature in rock engineering. The history of this effort is remarkable in itself. ISRM work products have historically been generated by its internal “commissions” as appointed by the leadership directorate, which are designed to bring forth practical solutions to recognized rock engineering data and methods needs. ISRM was founded in 1962, by Prof. Dr. Leopold Mueller of Karlsruhe University, then West Germany, who chose to release the Rock Testing Commission findings as separate papers (1974–1981) that have appeared in the International …

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