
For the successful solution of socially significant problems of information openness of educational institutions we need to overcome the problems associated with the incompetence of the leaders and teachers of educational institutions in their new public information activities on the Internet. In relying on the methodological triad "competence - activities - competencies", according to which competencies are the sources of the task activity, and on the approach to the identification of the standard, the key and leading competences, the author offers competence level model of educational organizations in the implementation of the tasks of public information activities in the Internet. According to this model, the development of standard competencies allows us to solve problems related to the state requirements to the official site and to develop this mandatory for all educational organizations, public information resource in accordance with the social and professional needs of public information about the activities of educational institutions. The development of key competencies will significantly expand the horizons of information openness through the establishment and development of the personal websites of individual and collective stakeholders, thematic websites on various activities united in the information portal of the educational organization. Development of leading competence will contribute to the successful solution of problems of designing and implementing information policy educational organization, forming the image of a competent public educational organization through representation on the internet achievements and problems that it solves in the implementation of its educational policy.

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