
The school environment may impact obesity by influencing the development of unhealthy behaviours. Currently, the most effective way to promote behaviour change through school programs, policies, and environments is not yet known. To effectively improve obesity-related health behaviours and facilitate knowledge exchange within schools by (1) monitoring temporal changes in activity, eating, and sedentary behaviours, (2) determining the association between school policies, programs, and built/food environments and health behaviours, and (3) connecting schools with appropriate resources to improve programs, policies, and environments. COMPASS is a longitudinal study tracking ∼25,000 students in grades 9-12 in 55 Ontario secondary schools over four years. Annual classroom-based surveys will gather information on obesity-related behaviours, weight status, and correlates. School administration will complete a questionnaire related to health-promoting policies and programs, and COMPASS staff will collect information on the school environment (facilities for eating and activity). Knowledge exchange tools will be used to provide schools with school-specific feedback reports regarding student behaviours, recommendations on how to take action in the school environment, and connections to local health organizations to assist in development of programs and policies to promote and support healthy lifestyles. Baseline data for COMPASS are currently being collected (2012/2013). This presentation will provide detail on the specific methodology and knowledge exchange opportunities in COMPASS, and provide baseline prevalence data on obesity and related behaviours. By working directly with schools and monitoring youth health behaviours over time, COMPASS can assist in guiding schools to provide the healthiest possible environments to promote health behaviours and reduce obesity among the student population in Ontario.

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