
COVID 19 pandemic has affected all aspects of life including Nonformal Education field. This outbreak gives impacts on the change of services and learning patterns in nonformal education unit, almost in all parts of the world. Indonesia and Japan are no exceptions. The differences in condition and culture in these countries are unique and interesting to study and compare with in relation to the pattern of change occurred during the COVID 19. The aim of this study is to find out learning condition in nonformal education unit in Indonesia and Japan during COVID 19 pandemic period. The study used mixed method of Sequential Explanatory Design, by collecting them through document and questionnaire in Community Learning Center (PKBM) and Japanese Community Learning Center (Kominkan) in Japan. The data were collected for three months, involving each researcher in each country. The results showed that condition of nonformal education service in Indonesia and Japan changed from the offline model to the online one, long distance learning through zoom, social media, and other applications supporting education services for society. Innovation in nonformal education services in Indonesia is in the form of online services through LMS, Video Conference, Social Media and other media, whereas, in Japan, the innovation service has created two types of Kominkan, “formal”, learning through Zoom, bulletin and social media, and “informal”, learning by referring to discussion activities and communication building. Some challenging factors experienced by these two countries with regard to the services are the management program in the future and the use of technology in the learning process. In Indonesia, the limitation of Educators and Education staffs and learners has become one obstacle, while in Japan, apart from most learners are elderly, making it difficult to handle, the internet safety becomes another issue. Factor supporting the service in Indonesia is that PKBM has a quick response to the change of learning pattern and COVID 19 pandemic, although it still needs service management betterment. Meanwhile, in Japan, the supporting factor includes social education services that can give different kinds of activities by making use of various platforms.

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