
The coronavirus spreads quickly through human-to-human transmission via close contact and respiratory droplets such as coughing or sneezing. Various studies have been carried out to deal with Covid-19. However, the cure for this virus has not been found until now. Based on data from the covid19.go.id page retrieved on January 1st, 2021, which was updated by the Ministry of Health, the overall number of confirmed cases was 1,078,314 active cases reaching 175,095 or 16.2% of confirmed cases, recovered 873,221 or 81.0% of confirmed cases, and death 29,998 or 2.8% of the confirmed cases. This study compares the two algorithms of data groups to analyze clustering patterns to determine the best data processing method. The data in this study sourced from the Ministry of Health, contained 4 attributes, including confirmed cases, treatment, recovery, and death cases. In this study, only 2 attributes were used: the confirmed and death cases. From the data analysis and processing results through a comparison between the K-Means method and the K-Medoids for clustering the spread of the coronavirus in Indonesia, a conclusion is derived. With the Davies Boulden index value from K2 to K9 values, it turns out that the K-Means method gets the smallest value at the K-5 of 0.064, while K-Medoids at the k-2 value of 0.411. Thus, from the two methods used, it can be concluded that the best method for clustering the spread of the coronavirus outbreaks in Indonesia is the K-Means method.

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