
The determination of heavy metal level (aluminium, iron, zinc, arsenic strontium) in surface water, sediment, and biota in Iskenderun Bay, polluted site, and Mersin Bay, unpolluted site, in 2018–2019 seasonally were aimed. The muscle and liver (viscera for shrimp) tissue of three fish (Saurida lessepsianus, Nemipterus randalli, Mullus barbatus) and an invertebrate (Penaus semisulcatus) species, which have different habitats and diet, were used to detection of biota metal level. Sediment samples were analyzed in four different particle sizes which were Fe > As>Al > Zn and Sr > Fe > As>Zn > Al respectively. (p Al > Sr > Zn > As in both sampling sites. The sediment Zn levels were a negative relationships between biota, particle size, sampling sites and season (p As> Zn > Sr > Al and As≥ Fe > Zn > Sr > Al, while the liver metal level sampled from polluted and unpolluted sites were Fe > Zn > As>Al > Sr and Fe > Zn > As>Sr > Al, respectively. There were significant of metals between species and tissues (p 0.05). Iron accumulated in the liver more than the muscle tissue while arsenic accumulated in the muscle more than the liver tissues due to the functional difference of tissues (p < 0.05). The tissue metal level was high abundant in the polluted site. Fe was at the highest level in biota and sediment from both regions may be due to industrial activities in the polluted site whereas agricultural activities or discharged by the Goksu River in the unpolluted site.

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