
AbstractCollaborative learning is a method of gaining knowledge in groups. This method is often used in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). ITS can adapt learning process to students' abilities, learning styles or preferences. Moreover, ITS allows to create collaborative learning groups of students. Such groups could be homogeneous or heterogeneous. It is often said that heterogeneity in groups improves learning effects [3, 8]. In this paper an original algorithm for creating heterogeneous groups is proposed. Results of heterogeneous and homogeneous groups were compared and research has shown that students working in heterogeneous groups achieved better results than students in homogeneous groups. It points out that to suitable assign students to groups is a very important matter.KeywordsHeterogeneous GroupCollaborative LearningLearning StyleCooperative LearningLearning GroupThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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