
Abstract—This paper is aimed to conduct a comparative study on health facility research (HFR) data, based on clustering method with K-Means and K-Medoids algorithm. K-Means algorithm consist of 4 steps: specify the centroid values, grouping data on the centroid, calculate centroid values, repeat grouping data on the centroid and calculate the values until the cluster is stable (convergence), whereas on K-Medoids algorithm consist of 6 steps: medoids initialization, allocate data to the nearest medoid, determine new medoids, calculate data distance with medoid, calculate deviation, repeat determine new medoid until it counts the deviation to the convergence cluster. The data utilize in this research is health facility research (HFR) data located in Jakarta district and surrounding areas, from year 2013 until 2018. The result of this research is shown that execution time from K-Medoids is outperform the K-Means algorithm. The K- Medoids algorithm speed up execution time and at the same time improve increases the density value between clusters (silhouette). By utilizing the clustering method, can categorize health facilities in hospitals in Jabodetabek based on their resources. Key words: Clustering, K-Means, K-Medoids, Health Facility Research. Abstrak—Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melakukan studi perbandingan pada data riset fasilitas kesehatan (RIFASKES), berdasarkan metode klastering dengan algoritma K-Means dan K-Medoids. Algoritma K-Means terdiri dari 4 langkah: tentukan nilai centroid, mengelompokkan data pada centroid, menghitung nilai centroid, ulangi pengelompokan data pada centroid dan menghitung nilainya sampai cluster stabil (konvergen), sedangkan pada algoritma K-Medoids terdiri dari 6 langkah: inisialisasi medoids, mengalokasikan data ke medoid terdekat, menentukan medoid baru, menghitung jarak data dengan medoid, menghitung deviasi, ulangi menentukan medoid baru sampai menghitung deviasi sampai cluster konvergen. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data riset fasilitas kesehatan (RIFASKES) data yang berlokasi di wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya, dari tahun 2013 hingga 2018. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa waktu eksekusi dari KMedoids mengungguli algoritma K-Means. Algoritma K- Medoids mempercepat waktu eksekusi dan pada saat yang sama meningkatkan nilai densitas antar cluster (siluet). Dengan memanfaatkan metode pengelompokan, dapat mengkategorikan fasilitas kesehatan di rumah sakit di Jabodetabek berdasarkan sumber daya yang dimiliki. Kata kunci: Klastering, K-Means, K-Medoids, Riset Fasilitas Kesehatan


  • In clustering, existing data are grouped based on the level of similarity data sharing common characteristics with other data are grouped into one cluster, while data that do not have similarities be grouped with other clusters [4]

  • In addition to the time differences in execution, K-Medoids maintained the accuracy of grouping results

  • This study showed that the clustering method can be applied to group hopitals based on beds in the hospital, medical personnel, and list of hospital equipment

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Hospitals provide vitally important inpatient, and outpatient, as well as emergency services [1]. Hospitals are one of the main facilities for all residents, of the Jakarta distric, allowing constant access to health services. There is a need to assure that high quality of health services and appropriate infrastructure, exsist to promote preventive, curative, and rehabilitative activities. The central government, local government and the community assure this quality [2]. Hospital facilities and services grouped into class A consisting of 2.42%, class B consisting of 14.11%, class C consisting of 41.25%, and class D consisting of 21.07%, in 2016; 21.15% have not been grouped [1]. In accordance with the conditions described above, a system is needed to group hospital into a particular data group (cluster), based on certain characteristics, so that the user can find information regarding which hospital offer the set of doctors, facilities, and set staff pertaining to the users’

Silhouette Coefficient
Rand Index
Related Works Regarding to Data Mining on Hospital Facilities
Clustering with K-Means and K-Medoids
Result Analysis
K-Medoids Result
Comparative Analysis
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