
Within the framework of the national development goal of the Russian Federation "preservation of population, health and well-being of people" the target indicator "the increase of life expectancy up to 78 years" is to be achieved by 2030. The achievement of this value is also directly affected by functioning of of health care system. In 2015, the United Nations, within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals for the period up to 2030, formulated the task that implies ensuring of universal health services coverage "including financial risk security, access to qualitative essential medical and sanitary services and access to safe, effective, qualitative and inexpensive essential medications and vaccines for all". In the course of the study, methodology was developed that permitted to calculate values of performance indicators of main health care systems (financial support and infrastructure development) and to conduct comprehensive comparative analysis with values of particular public health indicators. The study results confirmed possibility of such comparisons. The stable direct relationship between such indicators as "current health expenditure (CHE) per capita", "current health expenditure (CHE) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP)", "UHC Service Coverage Index", "life expectancy" was revealed. The inverse dependency between such indicators as "out-of-pocket expenditure as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE)" and "UHC Service Coverage Index" as well as between "UHC Service Coverage Index" and "total NCD mortality rate" and "probability of premature dying from non-infectious diseases" was determined.

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