
Through this study, we aim to highlight the communication models practiced in public spaces like "El-Hammam" as a public sphere which is a traditional popular bath very frequented by women in general, and to explore women’s behavior through this sphere. After the survey we set two conditions for the sample study: The Hammam should be in an old neighborhood and its members have connections. The second one is that they have television in that sphere. The problematic of our research is based on the following: Do the Mostaganemien women use mass communication or personal communication in the “hammam” as a public sphere? to conclude with significant answers of our main question we also formulated the following hypothesis: The Mostaganemien women use mass communication more than personal communication in the “hammam” space. We have adopted a qualitative approach which is mainly aimed at studying a few individuals with the aim of counting words and behaviors. Af ter having conducted our research survey through the technique of direct observation followed by interviews and having analyzed them. The study revealed that most of the interviewed women spend between two and four hours in the Hammam, a good part of this time is devoted to discussion and therefore to personal communication. We have concluded that most of women are not interested in television placed in the hall "Hammam", but they prefer personal communication and the majority of them choose "Hammam" as a public space for entertainment and relaxation, but also to solve some social problems, particularly of the neighborhood. Personal communication is therefore the dominant model in this sphere, more even than time reserved for the general shower supposed to be the objective of their presence. Regarding the topics of discussion, a variety of topics are mentioned, namely cooking, sewing, education, politics, marriage and television series

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