
Traffic is activity on a page of a site resulting from Internet visits and activity on that page. The more a site is visited, and the more activity Internet users engage in on the site’s pages, the higher its traffic. Traffic is like an audience on a television station, listener to the radio station, or circulation on print media. Traffic is the overall activity of readers on online media sites. Data collection from cnnindonesia.com is the commodification of content in an online forum, as in Kaskus and Kompasiana. The media are certainly competing to present exciting news content so that their readers remain loyal to their online. Exciting content on news portals and other efforts are employed solely to increase traffic. One such effort is the use of referral traffic, that is traffic which comes from other websites other than the major search engines, sources such as forums, blogs, and minor search engines are categorized as referral traffic. Visitors come to the online media portal through other websites and blog intermediaries. Although the contribution of made by referral traffic is not as great as the other sources, this practice considered quite useful as it does increase traffic in the media, traffic which is essential—and a measure of success.


  • Current technological developments have prompted change in various fields

  • The media, the result of this franchise collaboration, is present as a television station and online news portal, cnnindonesia.com. Even though it is under two significant media companies, CNN International and Transcorp, cnnindonesia.com still stands alone in that it formulates its own editorial policy

  • In the Comscore December 2017 data, cnnindonesia.com is approximately 100 thousand Unique Visitors (UV) away from Kompasiana in the ninth rank and 1,5 million UVs, and this is followed by the presence of CNN Indonesia TV on August 17, 2015

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The mass media develops (Jenkins, 2006). Electronic devices such as radio, television, and computers have led to a communication revolution requiring all information to be conveyed quickly (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010; Turow, Hennessy, & Draper, 2015). The presence of the Internet has increased the pace of technological development, almost all over the world today, the Internet can be accessed anywhere. Internet usage in Indonesia is relatively high, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology recently revealed that 63 million people have Internet access (Kominfo, 2020). 95% use the Internet to access social networks

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