
Vertigo, giddiness, tinnitus and hearing loss frequently occur in lower brainstem disorders as well as in inner ear diseases. To differentiate the inner ear disorders from central disease we use the impulse-traced craniocorpogram (ITCCG) for the vestibulo-spinal investigation and the acoustically evoked brainstem potentials as an objective indicator of central hearing dysfunction. Craniocorpography is a simple, objective and quantitative whole-body as well as intracorporal recording technique for head and body movements. It can be used as an office procedure, giving objective and quantitative results. It traces the head and shoulder movements with the help of light bulbs. It gives significant results and differentiates between peripheral and central vestibular lesions. The acoustically evoked brainstem potentials are read by a dual channel machine. The same applies to the acoustically evoked cortical potentials. The results are plotted in either case on the electrode-stimulus cross-chart. Thus they can be interpreted at a glance, similarly to the cranio-corpogram.

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