
Under the umbrella of VUCA-world and growing international competition, the human factors are playing more important role in higher education [9], [18]. Innovative teaching methods and formative assessment are significant transformational part of this process [24]. No doubt, teaching and learning methodology and assessment has strong coherency [19]. This presentation focuses on the relationship between innovative teaching methods and formative assessment. In the first part of the presentation, the philosophical phenomena of this process comes from John Dewey ‘learning by doing’ principle [8]. Thus, innovative teaching methods have strong impact of different types of interactions and broader meaning of learning, especially problem-, project- and inquiry-based learning [15]. Formative assessment focuses on following students’ progression and continuous feedback changing feedback culture in the teaching and learning process [29], [30]. Obviously, there are strong coherence between innovative teaching methods and formative assessment. In the second part of the presentation, the case study from Budapest Metropolitan University gives evidences to this required relationship giving best practices on innovation and formative assessment. Finally, at the end of the presentation, opened conclusion has dilemmas and questions.

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