
This study investigated the neural and cognitive correlates of reality distortion in schizophrenia by using event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded in a recognition memory task for face. This task has been chosen because previous studies have shown that it provides distinct indices related to specific cognitive processes and to the functioning of specific brain regions. ERPs have been recorded in controls and schizophrenia patients separated into high scorers (RD+) and low-scorers (RD−) according to their Reality Distortion score (hallucination and delusion SAPS subscales). The results indicate that RD+ presents abnormalities on various cognitive processes. First, RD+ are deficient at interference inhibition and knowledge integration (reduced P2a and N400 effect). The similar impairments found in RD− suggest that they represent basic traits of the illness. Second, RD+ showed inappropriate stimulus categorization and contextual integration (larger N300 and fronto-central effect). Third, RD+ showed a late index (P600 effect) not different from controls, but larger than in RD−. This result is consistent with a qualitative, rather than quantitative, impairment of mnemonic binding processes (inappropriate binding) in RD+. Since each of the ERP abnormalities observed represents associated with distinct brain dysfunction, the results are further discussed in regard of the respective contribution of the parietal, frontal and hippocampal structures to reality distortion symptoms.

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