
Introduction. Ischemic injury to the endothelium influences on a coagulation hemostasis, worsening hemodynamics of cerebral microcirculation as a result of rheological occlusion. The long-term post-ischemic blood clotting system changes are not studied well by now.The work purpose – to study a coagulation hemostasis and endothelial prostacyclin – synthetic activity of pial vessels within 21 days after single short-term transient cerebral ischemia in rat.Material and Methods. Ischemia was reproduced by means of 12-minute time occlusion of both carotids with the simultaneous arterial hypotension. Post-ischemic changes were investigated in 4 groups of rats: on the 3rd, 7th, 14th and 21st day after ischemia. The state of blood clotting system was estimated on time of clot formation in the blood plasma by an automatic optical method with use of screening tests of definition of prothrombin and thrombin clotting time and concentration of fibrinogen. Endothelial prostacyclin – synthetic activity was estimated by pial vessel reaction to indometacin.Results. On the 3rd day after ischemia the increase in prothrombin time was observed. Level of fibrinogen increased on the 3rd and the 14th days of the post-ischemic time. On the 21st day after ischemia thrombin time decreased. The inverse correlation of pial vessel endothelial prostacyclin – synthetic activity with the fibrinogen level and direct correlation with vessel cross-sectional area of these vessels is established.Conclusions. Short-time global cerebral ischemia causes changes of blood clotting system mechanisms lasting for 21 days of the post-ischemic time. Post-ischemic abnormalities in hemostasis system are connected with changes in endothelial prostacyclin – synthetic activity of cerebral vessels that, along with decreased anti-aggregation ability of vascular system, is also the reason of narrowing of the lumen in pial vessels.


  • Ischemia was reproduced by means of 12-minute time occlusion of both carotids with the simultaneous arterial hypotension

  • Post-ischemic changes were investigated in 4 groups of rats: on the 3rd, 7th, 14th and 21st day after ischemia

  • Endothelial prostacyclin – synthetic activity was estimated by pial vessel reaction to indometacin

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Динамика коагуляционного гемостаза у крыс в постишемическом периоде

Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки «Институт физиологии имени И. Ишемические повреждения эндотелия сосудов влияют на коагуляционный гемостаз, ухудшая гемодинамику микроциркуляторной сосудистой сети головного мозга в результате реологической окклюзии. Цель работы – изучить коагуляционный гемостаз и простациклин-синтетическую активность эндотелия пиальных сосудов у крыс на протяжении 21-го дня после однократной кратковременной транзиторной ишемии головного мозга. Состояние системы свертывания крови оценивали по времени образования сгустка в цитратной плазме автоматическим оптическим коагулометрическим методом с использованием скриннинговых тестов определения протромбинового и тромбинового времени и концентрации фибриногена, а простациклин-синтезирующую активность эндотелия – по реакции пиальных артериальных сосудов на индометацин. Кратковременная глобальная ишемия головного мозга вызывает изменение механизмов системы свертывания крови, сохраняющиеся на протяжении 21 дня постишемического периода. The work purpose – to study a coagulation hemostasis and endothelial prostacyclin – synthetic activity of pial vessels within 21 days after single short-term transient cerebral ischemia in rat. Post-ischemic changes were investigated in 4 groups of rats: on the 3rd, 7th, 14th and 21st day after ischemia. Endothelial prostacyclin – synthetic activity was estimated by pial vessel reaction to indometacin

Крысы после перенесенной ишемии мозга
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