
The widespread use of electronic Personal Health Records is considered of great importance, however, until today, there is no widely adopted application paradigm for the functional specifications of a modern ePHR due to absence of trust, inadequate data completeness and overall use complexity and “unfriendliness”. CO.R.E. (COnsolidation & Routing Engine) is an innovative approach towards the development of a health data consolidation and cloud access provision infrastructure, taking under consideration both the needs for wide adoption and the application of mission critical technologies in real production environments. The CO.R.E. infrastructure provides an environment for deploying medical record applications with central storage and individually controlled distributed access, ensuring: a) the absence of readable identifiers in any network communication among the involved systems and b) the inability (as much as modern cryptographic methods offer) of anyone - even the engineers working on the system - to correlate the stored medical data with their owner/physical person.

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