
The upgraded High Luminosity LHC, after the third Long Shutdown (LS3), will provide an instantaneous luminosity of 7.5 × 1034 cm−2s−1 (levelled), at the price of extreme pileup of up to 200 interactions per crossing. In LS3, the CMS Detector will also undergo a major upgrade to prepare for the phase-2 of the LHC physics program, starting around 2025. The upgraded detector will be read out at an unprecedented data rate of up to 50 Tb/s and an event rate of 750 kHz. Complete events will be analysed by software algorithms running on standard processing nodes, and selected events will be stored permanently at a rate of up to 10 kHz for offline processing and analysis.In this paper we discuss the baseline design of the DAQ and HLT systems for the phase-2, taking into account the projected evolution of high speed network fabrics for event building and distribution, and the anticipated performance of general purpose CPU.Implications on hardware and infrastructure requirements for the DAQ “data center” are analysed. Emerging technologies for data reduction are considered. Novel possible approaches to event building and online processing, inspired by trending developments in other areas of computing dealing with large masses of data, are also examined.We conclude by discussing the opportunities offered by reading out and processing parts of the detector, wherever the front-end electronics allows, at the machine clock rate (40 MHz). This idea presents interesting challenges and its physics potential should be studied.


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  • CMS Detector Upgrades for HL-LHC The HL-LHC upgrade aims at increasing the integrated luminosity delivered to the experiments by approximately an order of magnitude with respect to the original design

  • In LS3, the CMS Detector will undergo a major upgrade to prepare for the phase-2 of the LHC physics program, starting around 2025

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