
The closure constraint is a central piece of the mathematics of loop quantum gravity. It encodes the gauge invariance of the spin network states of quantum geometry and provides them with a geometrical interpretation: each decorated vertex of a spin network is dual to a quantized polyhedron in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$. For instance, a 4-valent vertex is interpreted as a tetrahedron determined by the four normal vectors of its faces. We develop a framework where the closure constraint is re-interpreted as a Bianchi identity, with the normals defined as holonomies around the polyhedron faces of a connection (constructed from the spinning geometry interpretation of twisted geometries). This allows us to define closure constraints for hyperbolic tetrahedra (living in the 3-hyperboloid of unit future-oriented spacelike vectors in $\mathbb{R}^{3,1}$) in terms of normals living all in $SU(2)$ or in $SB(2,\mathbb{C})$. The latter fits perfectly with the classical phase space developed for $q$-deformed loop quantum gravity supposed to account for a non-vanishing cosmological constant $\Lambda>0$. This is the first step towards interpreting $q$-deformed twisted geometries as actual discrete hyperbolic triangulations.

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