
The megalithic tombs of Tunisia have entrances with a closing system built into the front wall. At Kalaat Sidi Ali Ben Ahmed, this particularity was observed on four types of tombs. The closing system, which differs from one necropolis to another in the Upper Tell region, ensures both access and descent into the burial chamber. Access is direct in some necropolises, while in others it is preceded by amenities. Thoughts on the question of the closing system have been put forward. The closing system reflects a mastery of stone cutting, although it is sometimes simple. This stonework is not limited to the access opening alone, but is also found on other architectural elements of the structure such as the roof slab, side pillars, side walls and box pillars. The contribution of this article is to present the closing system, a subject that has not been dealt with before, and to reflect on issues around this subject, namely access and descent into the sepulchral chamber and the working of the stone.

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