
The ringdown phase of a black hole formed from the merger of two orbiting black holes is described by means of the close-limit (CL) approximation starting from second-post-Newtonian (2PN) initial conditions. The 2PN metric of point-particle binaries is formally expanded in CL form and identified with that of a perturbed Schwarzschild black hole. The multipolar coefficients describing the even-parity (polar) and odd-parity (axial) components of the linear perturbation consistently satisfy the 2PN-accurate perturbative field equations. We use these coefficients to build initial conditions for the Regge–Wheeler and Zerilli wave equations, which we then evolve numerically. The ringdown waveform is obtained in two cases: head-on collision with zero-angular momentum, composed only of even modes, and circular orbits, for which both even and odd modes contribute. In a separate work, this formalism is applied to the study of the gravitational recoil produced during the ringdown phase of coalescing binary black holes.

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