
A retrospective study. This study assessed the clinical utility of the Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS) in relation to the surgical treatment of spinal epidural metastasis and factors important for surgical decision-making. These factors include epidural spinal cord compression (ESCC), patient prognosis and neurologic status. Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre, Halifax, Canada. We identified 285 patients with spinal metastatic disease. Data were extracted through a retrospective review. SINS and ESCC were scored based on CT and MRI, respectively. Patients were grouped into stable (35%), potentially unstable (52%), and unstable (13%) groups. The overall incidence of metastatic spinal deformity was 9%. Surgical interventions were performed in 21% of patients, including decompression and instrumented fusion (70%), decompression alone (17%), percutaneous vertebral augmentation (9%), and instrumented vertebral augmentation (5%). The use of spinal instrumentation was significantly associated with unstable SINS (p = 0.005). Grade 3 ESCC was also significantly associated with unstable SINS (p < 0.001). Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed that SINS was not a predictor of survival (p = 0.98). In the radiotherapy-alone group, a significant proportion of patients with potentially unstable SINS (30%) progressed into unstable SINS category at an average 364 ± 244 days (p < 0.001). This study demonstrated that more severe categories of SINS were associated with higher degrees of ESCC, and surgical interventions were more often utilized in this group with more frequent placement of spinal instrumentation. Although SINS did not predict patient prognosis, it correlates with the progression of metastatic instability in patients treated with radiotherapy.

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