
Background: Understanding the clinical status of patients with meningothelial meningioma is crucial for accurate prognosis, treatment planning, and monitoring disease progression. Numerous factors, including tumor characteristics, patient demographics, and histopathological features, contribute to the clinical status and overall management of these patients. Objective: To assess the clinical status of meningothelial meningioma patients. Method: This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at the Department of Pathology, Dhaka Medical College over a period of two years from January 2018 to December 2019. A total of 60 Patient of any age group with histologically diagnosed meningiomas of the central nervous system were included as a sample population. During the collection of specimen, all relevant information were recorded systematically in a prepared proforma. All the cases were numbered chronologically and the same number was given to H&E as well as in immunohistochemically stained slides. Results: During the study, majority were belong to 51-60 years and 61-70 years age group, 26.7% and majority were female, 70%. It revealed that maximum lesions (86.7%) were at brain and 13.3% were at the spinal cord. It was observed that meningioma was widely distributed throughout the CNS. Majority of the lesions were at the parietal region (28.3%). 18.3% lesions were at frontal region. Plus, according to the tumor grade, It was observed that more than three fourth (80.5%) patients had grade I tumor, 17.8 % patients had grade II tumor and 1.7 % patients had grade III tumor. Moreover, that 55% cases were meningothelial meningioma and 8 (13.3%) patients had atypical meningioma. Conclusion: In our study, maximum patients had lesions were at brain which was widely distributed throughout the CNS. Plus, more than three fourth patients had grade I tumor where meningothelial meningioma was most common.

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