
3540 Background: The relevance of individual RAS (KRAS and NRAS) and TP53 mutations in CRC is well described, but the impact of the combination of both mutations together is less understood. RAS/TP53-mutant (mut) patients (pts) were selected in FOCUS 4-C for treatment with Adavosertib (Wee1 inhibitor) due to hypothesised sensitivity due to replication stress and loss of cell cycle checkpoint control. Initial analyses in CRC suggest that RAS/TP53-mut pts may be prognostically distinct from either mutation alone. Here we examine the impact of RAS/TP53-mut status in both early stage and metastatic CRC (mCRC). Methods: RAS and TP53 mutational status were assessed by whole gene targeted NGS or PCR in hotspot regions. Pts with RAS/TP53 status in the following studies were included after exclusion of BRAF-V600E mutants and MSI-H cases: for early-stage, QUASAR2 trial (N = 408) and an Australian community cohort (N = 654); for mCRC, FOCUS (N = 373) and FOCUS4 (N = 721). Biomarker prevalence, clinical characteristics and outcome data in the RAS/TP53-mut group were compared to pts not showing dual RAS/TP53-mut. Results: The prevalence of RAS/TP53-mut was greater in mCRC compared to early CRC (43.9% vs 25.4% respectively, p < 0.001). In early-stage (II & III) cohorts combined, RAS/TP53-mut pts were more likely to be female, have a right-sided primary tumour, and involved lymph nodes. In early CRC RAS/TP53-mut pts had worse outcome: DFS HR = 1.49[1.19-1.88], p = 0.001, and OS HR = 1.48[1.16-1.89], p = 0.001. In FOCUS, RAS/TP53-mut mCRC pts had inferior PFS with 1st line chemotherapy than not dual RAS/TP53-mut: 6.9 vs 8.6 months (HR = 1.44[1.17-1.79], p = 0.001), and also shorter post-progression survival (HR = 1.49, p = 0.001), and overall survival (14.9 vs 18.9 mths [HR = 1.60, p < 0.0005]). Consistently, during 16 weeks of induction chemotherapy for mCRC pts in FOCUS4, 27.4% of RAS/TP53-mut pts had progressive disease, compared with 18.4% in not dual RAS/TP53-mut; PFS from study registration was reduced in RAS/TP53-mut (5.3 vs 6.1 mths;HR = 1.53[1.22-1.94],p < 0.001), but no statistically significant difference in OS (13.6 vs 17.6 mths;HR = 1.27,p = 0.23). Outcomes by each of the four biomarker groups (RAS/TP53 dual mut; RASwt/TP53mut; RASmut/TP53 wt; RAS/TP53 dual wt) will be presented but in all cases the dual mut subgroup had the worst outcomes compared to the other three groups, marginally better than BRAF-V600E CRC. Conclusions: RAS/TP53 dual mutation status provides useful and readily available prognostic information in both early and mCRC, independent of MSI and BRAF status. It is associated with increased risk of recurrence in early CRC, and a higher risk of chemotherapy resistance and inferior outcomes in mCRC. Evaluation of treatment strategies in this sizeable patient group and further understanding of the underlying mechanism of poor outcomes are urgently required.

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