
Article1 August 1953THE CLINICAL COURSE, FOLLOWING ADRENAL RESECTION AND SYMPATHECTOMY, OF 82 PATIENTS WITH SEVERE HYPERTENSIONWILLIAM A. JEFFERS, F.A.C.P., HAROLD A. ZINTEL, JOSEPH H. HAFKENSCHIEL, A. GORMAN HILLS, ALFRED M. SELLERS, CHARLES C. WOLFERTH, F.A.C.P.WILLIAM A. JEFFERS, F.A.C.P.Search for more papers by this author, HAROLD A. ZINTELSearch for more papers by this author, JOSEPH H. HAFKENSCHIELSearch for more papers by this author, A. GORMAN HILLSSearch for more papers by this author, ALFRED M. SELLERSSearch for more papers by this author, CHARLES C. WOLFERTH, F.A.C.P.Search for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Informationhttps://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-39-2-254 SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptINTRODUCTIONPrevious reports of our testing of operations for hypertension, combining adrenal resection with sympathectomy, have indicated encouraging results.1, 2, 3, 4 The number of patients so treated has increased steadily. We now feel it in order to present a progress report concerning 82 patients who were operated upon prior to December 31, 1952.It does not seem necessary to review again the experimental and clinical evidence indicating the rôle of various adrenal hormones in homeostasis of the circulation, or in the maintenance of blood pressure levels in clinical hypertension.2, 4, 5Following Green's experience6of observing amelioration of severe...Bibliography1. 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Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAffiliations: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania*Presented at the Thirty-Fourth Annual Session of the American College of Physicians, Atlantic City, New Jersey, April 14, 1953.From the Edward B. Robinette Foundation, Medical Clinic, and the Surgical Service, of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.This investigation was supported in part by research grants from The National Heart Institute, the U. S. Public Health Service, the Squibb Institute of Medical Research, Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly and Company, Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc., Merck and Company, Inc., and the Publicker Industries Nutritional Fund.†Supplied generously by Merck and Company, Inc. PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics Cited byResults of sympathectomy and adrenalectomySurgery of the adrenalsThe radioactive iodine treatment of angina pectorisHypertonieHypertonieTransmembrane gationic gradient and blood pressure regulationObservations of human adrenal cortical deficiencyEvaluation of the Methods of Treatment of Essential HypertensionDie AdrenalektomieTHE RÔLE OF ACTH, CORTISONE AND HYDROCORTISONE IN SURGERY*†WILLIAM E. ABBOTT, M.D., HARVEY KRIEGER, M.D., STANLEY LEVEY, Ph.D.The Medical Treatment of Essential HypertensionManagement of Adrenocortical InsufficiencyFURTHER OBSERVATIONS ON PATIENTS WITH SEVERE HYPERTENSION SUBJECTED TO ADRENAL RESECTION AND SYMPATHECTOMY*WILLIAM A. JEFFERS, F.A.C.P., HAROLD A. ZINTEL, F.A.C.S., A. GORMAN HILLS, JOSEPH H. HAFKENSCHIEL, STEPHEN B. LANGFELD, ALFRED M. SELLERS, CHARLES C. WOLFERTH, F.A.C.P.SYMPATHO-ADRENAL SURGERY IN THE MALIGNANT PHASE OF ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION*SAMUEL T. R. REVELL JR., M.D., F.A.C.P., FRANCIS J. BORGES, M.D., GEORGE H. YEAGER, M.D., F.A.C.S., JAMES G. ARNOLD JR., M.D., RICHARD I. AHLQUIST JR., M.D.Quantitative evaluation of primary adrenal cortical deficiency in man 1 August 1953Volume 39, Issue 2Page: 254-266KeywordsBlood pressureHealth services researchHeartHormonesHospitalsHypertensionMedical servicesNutritionResearch grantsSympathectomy ePublished: 1 December 2008 Issue Published: 1 August 1953 PDF downloadLoading ...

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