
To review the clinical information on the use of alpha, beta and gamma interferons and to classify the use of alpha interferons in Australia according to approved indications, indications for which there is good supporting evidence and indications where therapy is under investigation; and to estimate the cost of therapy with alpha interferons in New South Wales in 1991. Data were obtained from computerised literature searches. A position paper was drafted on behalf of the NSW Therapeutic Assessment Group (NSWTAG). This was circulated to clinicians identified as having a particular interest in the use of the interferons in major NSW teaching hospitals, for comment and amendment where necessary. Two forms of alpha interferon, interferon alfa-2b and interferon alfa-2a have been approved for use in Australia, interferon alfa-2b for use in the management of hairy cell leukaemia and condylomata acuminata and interferon alfa-2a for use in the management of hairy cell leukaemia and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) related Kaposi's sarcoma. Applications have been lodged for the use of interferon alfa-2b in HIV related Kaposi's sarcoma, cutaneous basal cell carcinoma and hepatitis B and C and for the use of interferon alfa-2a in the management of hepatitis B, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and metastatic renal cancer. Interferon alfa-n1 is not available in Australia except for use in a clinical trial in patients who are HIV seropositive. The use of the alpha interferons is currently under investigation in a wide variety of other diseases, with the likelihood that other indications will soon be established. However, the alpha interferons are generally not regarded as first line agents. Beta and gamma interferons have been studied less intensively than the alpha interferons, but it is likely that selected applications for their use will also be defined with the passage of time.

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