
This paper documents Version 1.0 of the Climate PoLicy ANalysis (C-PLAN) model and presents results for the model's baseline and a policy scenario. The C-PLAN model is a global, recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model tailored to the economic and emissions characteristics of Aotearoa/New Zealand. Distinguishing features in the model include methane-reducing technologies for livestock, bioheat from forestry residues, and explicit representation of output-based allocations of emissions permits. The model was built for the New Zealand Climate Change Commission (CCC) to inform policy advice provided to the government. The computer code for the model and instructions for reproducing results used by the CCC are publicly available. It is hoped that the C-PLAN model will assist transparency in setting climate policies, help build capacity for climate policy analysis, and ultimately set the foundations for future climate policy initiatives in New Zealand and other countries.

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