
Detrital apatite deposited before, during and after Grampian-Taconic arc accretion in western Ireland reveals dramatic changes in source provenance and provides a detailed detrital petrochronological record of a Wilson Cycle sited on the Laurentian margin. These determinations are made possible by recent improvements in source rock type diagnosis by apatite trace element analysis. In addition, by interrogating the proportion of apatite derived from peraluminous vs metaluminous melt and felsic vs mafic melt in detritus, temporal changes can be seen in the relative proportions of these magma compositions over time. We present combined trace element and U-Pb age data for detrital apatite in clastic formations from the South Mayo Trough, a uniquely well-preserved fore-arc basin accreted to the Laurentian margin during the Grampian-Taconic orogeny (∼ 475 – 460 Ma), which records the early phase of closing of the Iapetus Ocean. Apatite deposited before collision is derived from the Laurentian margin and mafic igneous rocks of the Central Iapetus Magmatic Province associated with the Neoproterozoic break-up of Rodinia / Pannotia leading to the birth of the Iapteus Ocean. Following the onset of ocean closure in the Cambrian, igneous apatite derived from the nascent Grampian-Taconic arc is detected. Apatite derived from felsic and peraluminous melts becomes progressively more dominant over apatite from more mafic and metaluminous sources as the arc evolves from an intra-oceanic to continental arc setting after collision. The subsequent Grampian-Taconic unroofing history recorded by detrital apatite records the transition from ancient Laurentian margin- and intra-oceanic arc-derived detritus, to the exhumation of the high-grade metamorphic core of the Grampian-Taconic orogen and the exposure of post-collisional continental-arc granitoids. Our results are in broad agreement with both the Grampian fore-arc provenance record (heavy mineral analysis, detrital zircon U-Pb and white mica Ar-Ar) and the Laurentian crustal reworking record derived from the geochemistry of volcaniclastic units in the South Mayo Trough. However, we also obtain novel provenance information undetected by detrital zircon in the South Mayo Trough, such as apatite derived from the Central Iapetus Magmatic Province. Critically this information is obtained from a single mineral system, which eliminates the need to consider differing mineral stabilities during weathering, transport and diagenesis. The high preservation potential for apatite in similar tectonic environments illustrates the potential to employ detrital apatite as a record of Earth's lithological composition in deep time.

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