
The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the multiplicity of meanings of T. S. Kuhn’s concept of paradigm in its original formulation in “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” and the less noticeable aspects of this concept: namely the sociological and the structural. Margaret Masterman’s contribution in extracting and clarifying these concepts made a significant impact on T. S. Kuhn himself. In T. S. Kuhn’s “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” she sees at least 21 different formulations of this concept and Kuhn aceepted the criticism. Masterman introduced three aspects of paradigm, of which only one (the metaphysical) is observed by many commentators, which created an innacurate criticism of T. S. Kuhn’s position. The (1) metaphysical aspect of paradigm is expressed in such formulations as gestalt switch or a new way of seeing and means uniform cosmological obligations between scientists working within the paradigm. The (2) sociological aspect is a feature of advanced science. It is formed around existing investigative practices and helps to introduce new members into the paradigm. The (3) constructive aspect is a specific artifact which becomes a test apparatus and creates a new way of seeing a certain area of reality with which comes a new science. The constructive aspect is the most important innovation by T. S. Kuhn and allows a new way of talking about the origin of science. Keywords : philosophy of science, Thom S. Kuhn, Margaret Masterman, paradigm, origin of science. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15823/zz.2015.29

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