
The accumulation of radionuclides in crops varies considerably for different soil-climatic zones being largely dependent on the soil properties. To group the data, relationships between TFs to different crops and soil properties were analysed. As a criterion for classification of mineral soils by transfer factors the granulometric com­ position (texture) was chosen. The generalisation of data within the identified soil groups has demonstrated that for different crop/soil combinations the volume of sampling is not the same. Therefore, a statistical processing of data was carried out Clear-cut relationships between 1. INTORDUCTION The performed studies on the regularities of radionuclide migration within the soil-plant system have en­ abled the obtaining of data which can be the basis for the classification of soils by radioecological criteria. Such a classification makes it possible to predict the contamination of agricultural stuffs and to detemiine the intervention levels in the event of radioactive contamination of the agricultural land. The integral indicators reflecting the peculiar features of the radionuclide behavior in soils of dif­ ferent types is the transfer factors. Transfer factors depend on characteristics of radioactive fallout, plant species, soil properties, time after contamination. After the Chernobyl accident special data base for trans­ fer factors from different soil types to plants was developed. These data was used for evaluation of radio­ nuclide behavior in agricultural systems and for radioecological classification of soils. 2. DESCRIPTION OF SOILS FOR THE CONTAMINATED REGIONS OF RUSSIA

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