
Purpose. To organize the diversity of paradynamic and paragenetic connections in landscape systems by their classification according to various grounds. Methods: theoretical generalization, analytical and cartographic analysis, logic, a finding of empirical relationships. Results. The classifications of paradynamic and paragenetic connections in landscape systems according to regularities, orientation, content, severity, power and character of influence are described in the article. The schemes of classifications are presented, types of paradynamic and paragenetic connections are characterized. The definitions of the concepts of "paradynamic connections" and "paragenetic connections" are given. The peculiarities of natural and social paradynamic and paragenetic connections are clarified. Inner-system and inter-system connections are distinguished according to the content. Inner-block and inter-block paradynamic and paragenetic connections are identified among inner-system connections; natural, anthropogenic, technogenic, anthropogenic-technogenic, natural-anthropogenic, natural-technogenic paradynamic and paragenetic connections are identified among inter-system connections. The conducted analysis made it possible to distinguish natural and social connections according to regularities; according to orientation - direct, reverse, longitudinal and transverse; according to content - inner-system and inter-system; according to severity - evident and hidden; according to the character of influence - positive and negative; according to force - strong and weak paradynamic and paragenetic connections in landscape systems. Conclusion. It is revealed that the study of the peculiarities and mechanisms of the manifestation of paradynamic and paragenetic connections allows us to design and create optimally functioning paradynamic anthropogenic landscape systems dominating in the landscape structure of anthropogenically developed regions of the Earth.


  • paragenetic connections in landscape systems by their classification according to various grounds

  • paragenetic connections in landscape systems according to regularities

  • power and character of influence are described in the article

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Об’єктом дослідження є парадинамічні та парагенетичні зв’язки, що проявляються між ландшафтними системами. Між блоками парадинамічних і парагенетичних ландшафтних систем проявляються міжблокові парадинамічні та парагенетичні зв’язки. Природно-соціальні парагенетичні зв’язки проявляються у тому, що ландшафт із його природними умовами та ресурсами є передумовою заселення території населенням і формування поселень (стоянок, населених пунктів); парадинамічні зв’язки проявляються у змінах параметрів поселень (наприклад, чисельності, вікової та статевої структури населення) у залежності від змін (виснаження) запасів корисних копалин, від стану навколишнього середовища.

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