
AbstractThe Clair Field is a giant oilfield containing in the region of 6–7 Bbbl of stock tank oil initially in place, located approximately 75 km west of the Shetland Islands. As such, it represents the single biggest hydrocarbon accumulation on the UK Continental Shelf. Clair was discovered in 1977, but first production did not occur from Phase 1 until 2005, after a lengthy appraisal period. The major appraisal milestone occurred in 1991 after well 206/8-8 proved up fractured clastic red beds of the Devonian Lower Clair Group. This was followed up with an extended well test on 206/8-10Z, which demonstrated the longer-term performance of the reservoir. Further appraisal on Clair Ridge led to the sanction of the Clair Ridge, which came on stream in November 2018. Following the Greater Clair appraisal programme in 2013–15, development options are currently being worked for Clair South, which will develop the Lower Clair Group reservoirs together with overlying shallow-marine reservoirs of the Cretaceous and Jurassic.

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