
The church is the called-out people ((Deut.5:22; 9:10; 10:4; 18:16)) and has more frequently come to refer to the body of Christ across the world. This body, due largely to its avowed neutrality in issues of contest between or among its members, often is expected to be apolitical or not involved in any form of politics. However, as both an entity and a stakeholder it is impossible and indeed detrimental to divorce the church from politics. It has interests that must be protected and advanced and the leaders also have personal interests that are surreptitiously championed even within the body. This work is therefore an attempt to establish that contrary to popular belief, the church cannot and should not be apolitical or indifferent to politics or partisan politics. This paper is hinged on the elite theory as a foundation for explaining the phenomenon of the church in politics in Nigeria and politics in the church in Nigeria.

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